Clinical Material Hospital

Available Clinical Material for the Month of JULY - 2022

Item Daily Average
O.P.D. attendance 1887
Casualty attendance 62
No of admissions 159
No of discharges 160
Bed occupancy % 80%

Operative work

Item Daily Average
Number of major surgical operations 44
Number of minor surgical operations 24
Number of normal deliveries(in Month) 24
Number of casearian Sections (in month) 21

Radiological Investigations

Radiological Investigations O.P.D. I.P.D.
X-ray 169 200
Ultrasonography 216 89
Special Investgations. (Fluroscopy etc.) 06 05
C.T.Scan 07 04
M.R.I. 35 12

Laboratory Investigations

Biochemistry 749 464
Microbiology(Serology) 68 66
Haematology 734 389
Histopathology -- 613
Cytopathology -- 617
Memography(in month) 04 10
Others -- ABG-217, HARMONE-466
Any Others(HIV,AIDS,DOTS,Malaria) HIV-1554- DOT's-43 Malaria-429
Department Major Minor LSCS
General Surgery 388 224 --
Ophthalmology 259 14 --
ENT 92 79 --
OBGY 180 119 21
Orthopedic 191 160 --
Total 1110 596 21