AQAR PART B (Criterion 4)- Infrastructure and Learning Resources (100)
AQAR PART B (Criterion 4) - Infrastructure and Learning Resources
4.1.1 – The Institution has adequate facilities for teaching- learning. viz., classrooms, laboratories, computing equipment etc. Describe the adequacy of facilities for teaching-learning viz., classrooms, ICT-enabled classrooms, seminar halls, facilities for clinical learning, learning in the community, Teleconferences, AYUSH-related learning cum therapy centre, well-equipped laboratories, skills labs etc. as stipulated by the appropriate Regulatory bodies within 100 – 200words.
4.1.2 – The Institution has adequate facilities to support physical and recreational requirements of students and staff – sports ,games (indoor, outdoor), gymnasium, auditorium, yoga centre, etc.) and for cultural activities. Describe the adequacy of facilities for sports, games and cultural activities including specification about area/size, year of establishment and user rate within 100 -200 words
4.1.3 – Availability and adequacy of general campus facilities and overall ambience: Describe the availability and adequacy of campus facilities such as hostels, medical facilities, toilets, canteen, post office, bank, roads and signage, greenery, alternate sources of energy, STP, water purification plant, etc. (within 100 – 200 words)
4.2.1 – Teaching Hospital, equipment, clinical teaching-learning and laboratory facilities as stipulated by the respective Regulatory Bodies. Describe the adequacy of the Teaching Hospital, equipment, clinical teaching learning and laboratory facilities as stipulated by the respective Regulatory Bodies within 100 – 200 words
4.2.4 – Availability of infrastructure for community based learning. Institution has: 1) Attached Satellite Primary Health Center/s 2) Attached Rural Health Center/s other than College teaching hospital available for training of students 3) Residential facility for students / trainees at the above peripheral health centers /hospitals 4) Mobile clinical service facilities to reach remote rural locations.
4.3.2 – Total number of textbooks, reference volumes, journals, collection of rare books, manuscripts, Digitalized traditional manuscripts, Discipline-specific learning resources from ancient Indian languages, special reports or any other knowledge resource for library enrichment.
4.3.3 – Does the Institution have an e-Library with membership / registration for the following: 1) e – journals / e-books consortia 2) E-Shodh Sindhu 3) Shodh ganga 4) SWAYAM 5) Discipline-specific Databases
4.3.3_Details of subscriptions like e-journals, e-Shodh Sindhu, Shodh ganga Membership etc. (Data template)
4.3.3_E-copy of subscription letter/member ship letter or related document with the mention of year to be submitted
4.3.3_Any other relevant information
4.3.4 – Annual expenditure for the purchase of books and journals including e- journals during the year (INR in Lakhs)
4.3.4_Audited Statement highlighting the expenditure for purchase of books and journal / library resources
4.3.4_Details of annual expenditure for the purchase of books and journals including e-journals during the year (Data template)
4.3.4_Any other relevant information
4.3.5 – In-person and remote access usage of library and the learner sessions/library usage programmes organized for the teachersand students (data for the academic year) Describe in-person and remote access usage of library and the learner sessions/libraryusage programmes organized for the teachers and students data for the preceding academic year within 100 – 200 words
4.4.2 – Institution frequently updates its IT facilities and computer availability for students including Wi-Fi . Describe computer availability for students and IT facilities including Wi-Fi with the date(s) and nature of updation within 100 – 200 words.
4.5.2 – There are established systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities -laboratory, library, sports facilities, computers, classrooms etc. Describe policy details of systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical and academic support facilities within a maximum of 100 -200 words.