Criterion: II – Teaching- Learning and Evaluation (280)
Criterion: II - Teaching- Learning and Evaluation (280)
2.1.1 – (QnM:5) Due consideration is given to equity and inclusiveness by providing reservation of seats
to all categories during the admission process. Average percentage of seats filled against seats
reserved for various categories as per applicable reservation policy during the last five years
2.1.3 – (QnM:5) Average percentage of Students enrolled demonstrates a national spread and includes
students from other states Number of students enrolled from other states year-wise.
2.2.1 – (QnM:10) The Institution assesses the learning levels of the students, after admission and organises special Programmes for advanced learners and slow performers.
2.2.3 – (QlM:10) Institution facilitates building and sustenance of innate talent /aptitude of individual students (extramural activities/beyond the classroom activities such as student clubs, cultural societies, etc)
2.3.1 – (QlM:10) Student-centric methods are used for enhancing learning experiences by:
• Experiential learning • Integrated/interdisciplinary learning • Participatory learning
• Problem solving methodologies • Self-directed learning • Patient-centric and Evidence-Based
Learning • Learning in the Humanities • Project-based learning • Role play
2.4.2 – (QnM:10) Average percentage of fulltime teachers with Ph.D./D.Sc./D.Lit./DM/M Ch/DNB in super
specialities /other PG degrees (like MD/ MS/ MDS etc.,) in Health Sciences (like MD/ MS/ MDS
etc.,) for recognition as Ph.D guides as per the eligibility criteria stipulated by the Regulatory
Councils/Affiliating Universities.
2.4.3 – (QnM:10) Average Teaching experience of fulltime teachers in number of years (data for the
preceding academic year) Average teaching experience of full-time teachers (cadre-wise) in
number of years.
2.4.5 – (QnM:10) Average Percentage of fulltime teachers who received awards and recognitions for
excellence in teaching, student mentoring, scholarships, professional achievements and academic
leadership at State, National, International levels from Government / Government-recognized
agencies / registered professional associations / academies during the last five years
2.5.1 – (QlM:10) The Institution adheres to the academic calendar for the conduct of Continuous Internal
Evaluation and ensures that it is robust and transparent
2.5.4 – (QnM:10) The Institution provides opportunities to students for midcourse improvement of
performance through specific interventions Opportunities provided to students for midcourse
improvement of performance through:
2.6.1 – (QlM:10) The Institution has stated the learning outcomes (generic and programme-specific) and
graduate attributes as per the provisions of the Regulatory bodies and the University; which are
communicated to the students and teachers through the website and other documents