A perceptive philosophical man has said this well : “The purpose of life is not to be just happy – but to matter, to be productive, to be useful, to be have it make some difference that you lived”.
Practicing Gynecology for last more than two and half decades I felt within myself a burning desire to make a difference and to do something fruitful in the field of medical education. Grooming next generation of bright and hardworking doctors fascinated me. After opening Schools and establishing college of various faculties we at Godavari Foundation took upon our self to open this medical college to achieve the same.
“Where there is love for mankind, there is love for the art of healing” said Hippocrates. And what we at Godavari Foundation’s Dr. Ulhas Patil Medical College and Hospital shall do- not only just teach science of medicine but also strive to instill love for art of healing in young men and women.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have directly and indirectly helped me and the organization to fulfill the dream of starting a Medical College. Opening this college is the first step in the field of medicine and we have a long way to go to make this as one of the leading Medical Institutes.
May you all excel in
Dr. Ulhas Patil (Ex. M. P.) Chairman, Godavari Foundation life.